Docker搭建openvpn server

二 29 十二月 2015

I always intersted in build services in my own VPS. specially things like a server can help me free browser the internet. But sometimes the connection between my own pc and the vps server are not quite good. So things not always go luck.

I find out openvpn is quite useful these days. So I'm thinking I will build one of my own. I picked one of my VPS for the test. It was installed with Ubuntu 14.04 and has 512MB memory. Here are the steps of how I did it:

1st, I install the openvpn and easy-rsa:

$ apt-get install openvpn easy-rsa

2nd, change the value of net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf, then do sysctl -p

3rd, copy /usr/share/easy-rsa/ to /etc/openvpn/ and generate the openvpn keys in the directory of :

$ make-cadir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa (ps: this seems another way to do this)


cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa/ /etc/openvpn
mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys
openssl dhparam -out /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem 2048

4th, change the directory to easy-rsa, then do the following command:

cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
source vars
./pkitool --initca
./pkitool --server server
cd keys
openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key
ln -s openssl-1.0.0.cnf openssl.cnf     
./pkitool --initca


./build-key-server server

5th, cp the generated keys to /etc/openvpn:

cp server.crt server.key ca.crt dh1024.pem ta.key /etc/openvpn/

6th, cp the server.conf sample to /etc/openvpn/server.conf

gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/server.conf.gz > /etc/openvpn/server.conf

7th, change some value of the server.conf file:

;push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"


push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"

;push "dhcp-option DNS"
;push "dhcp-option DNS"


push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"  (change to some dns server you trust)

;user nobody
;group nogroup


user nobody
group nogroup

8th, start and check the openvpn service:

service openvpn start
service openvpn status

9th, generate key of client:

./build-key client1

10th, copy the sample and change the value of client.ovpn:

cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/client.conf /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.ovpn

remote my-server-1 1194
user nobody
group nogroup

# SSL/TLS parms.
# . . .
#ca ca.crt
#cert client.crt
#key client.key
(insert ca.crt here)
(insert client1.crt here)
(insert client1.key here)


  1. How To Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
  2. Installing OpenVPN on Ubuntu Server 12.04 or 14.04 using TAP – Super Library of Solutions
  3. OpenVPN - ArchWiki

分类: Linux 标签: linux vpn openvpn