December 29, 2015
Docker搭建openvpn server
I always intersted in build services in my own VPS. specially things like a server can help me free browser the internet. But sometimes the connection between my own pc and the vps server are not quite good. So things not always go luck.
I find out openvpn is quite useful these days. So I’m thinking I will build one of my own. I picked one of my VPS for the test. It was installed with Ubuntu 14.04 and has 512MB memory. Here are the steps of how I did it:
April 19, 2015
Linux搭建PPTP VPN Server
# On CentOS 6 x64: rpm -i yum -y install pptpd # On Ubuntu 12.10 x64: apt-get install pptpd
编辑 /etc/pptpd.conf 添加以下行:
localip remoteip
localip本机ip(vpn的服务器ip), remoteip-分配给客户端的ip, 应该处于同一网段
添加pptp用户名和密码到 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets :
#client server secret IP user1 pptpd 24odfjafdi34 * user2 pptpd 3f3faf3fsdfI * #Where client is the username, server is type of service – pptpd for our example, secret is the password, and IP addresses specifies which IP address may authenticate. By setting ‘*’ in IP addresses field, you specify that you would accept username/password pair for any IP.
添加DNS服务器地址到 /etc/ppp/pptpd-options: